Thursday, April 29, 2010

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 appears as if it is already happening. I believe Web 3.0 will be solley based on what the user wants. For instance, I believe the internet will start reading a trend with the user. Instead of typing something in Google and getting a bunch of useless responses, the internet will simply filter what responses fit you best based on you previous searches. It will act more as an assistant than a search engine. On the downside, this will also help with advertising being able to pin-point what products to market to you. Although this is pretty much already a reality, Web 3.0 will be a much more defined system and will give you more accurate results. Also, with user generated content, the system will also be much more defined. Instead of simply being able to have a blog, a user may now pretty much be able to pretty much create a whole world within the realms of the Web.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My illustrator shows how the Internet has effected the way campaigns are run and how candidates have to be careful of their actions because someone is always watching.